Friday 30 October 2020

All Saints Day.

  WALT: Learn about a saint.

I chose saint Gregory because that´s who I dressed up as.

I have facts about him on a document.

My favourite one is the fact about when he was born.

Who´s your favourite saint?

Friday 23 October 2020

Calendar Advert.

 WALT: Make an advert for our tote pole calendar.

We have designed a landscape and died it some colours we then made a totem pole to stick on it.

I made a google drawing to convince people to buy our calendars.

Here it is.

Did I convince you?


Monday 19 October 2020

My Holiday Recount!

WALT: Do a recount on our Holidays.

I did a lot in my holidays, and it was really fun.

We spent a lot of time with my baby cousin Killian.

Here it is.

What did you do in your holidays?

We got to Westport and planned out what we were gonna do and the sleeping arrangements I got to sleep in the hallway cause it had a pretty comfy bed. We got our grandparents' old river house that had been done up and looked really nice.

We went kayaking on the second and second to last day. I went with Scout and Arlo. We paddled to an island that had heaps of crabs and a little bit of fish and we had a play around. Quinn didn´t come on the first day. Since my grandparents live on the same street with a view of  the river we could see them when we went past.

Every day we went to see our baby cousin called Killian. He is nearly five weeks old. We went to Hector in Granity to see our nana and great uncle Hew. We went white baiting in the river and when they were all in the bucket I would pick them up and they would flop all around and they were all slimy. When It was Killians bath time I taught him how to poke his tongue out when I did.

Friday 16 October 2020

Our Rubbish Clean up!

 WALT: Look after our environment.

Today we went on a walk through the domain to Thompson Park. 

On they way we would have gloves  and rubbish bags to pick up rubbish.

When we got back there were bags and bags and bags lined up filled with trash.

Have you done a rubbish clean up? 

Tricky Math!

 WALT: Do hard maths. 

I had to do a really hard task on a doc.

This is probably the most time I have spent on one maths doc.

Here it is.

What is your hardest piece of maths?

My Classes Clean Rubbish Bins!

WALT: Care for the environment.

We had to take photos of our class rubbish bins and say how good they are.

These are ours.

Have you checked your bins? 

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Praying P.E !

Today some people from Canterbury cricket came to our school for P.E .
They brought their bounce mat.
One of them throws the ball and then we try to run up and dive on it to catch it. 
I caught it a about for or five times.
Here is the photo it looks like I am praying so that is how I got the title.
DO you ave a weird looking photo of your self?